Disneyland Resort in Anaheim - January 21, 2007 trip report

Just a quick roundup of a few interesting things we saw at the park on this day.

If you park in the Mickey and Friends structure, after you go through bag check, there's usually some kind of billboard advertising whatever's new at the parks. The current one is advertising annual passports, I think, but from past experience, I've learned to look at the backside of the billboard because there's usually something interesting there too, and I won't necessarily remember to notice as I'm leaving. The back of the billboard currently advertises the upcoming Nemo sub ride. Can't wait!


The subs are coming (back), the subs are coming (back)!


When we walked by the sub area later, we were excited to see that the attraction sign was up there too.


Did I mention that the subs are coming (back)?


We noticed a new antenna topper was available, presumably for Valentine's Day. It's humongous, like a new '07 antenna topper that's available as well.


Are giant antenna toppers the new trend?


Here's a picture that shows the size differences between the two new toppers and a regular Mickey topper.


A new big fig has recently arrived at the resort, this one of Buzz Lightyear. The figure has red and green tips on Buzz's wings that light up and blink.


The green light is broken off on this particular figure.


The store next to Showcase in Town Square has been redecorated from being the Christmas store back to regular merchandise, but they have one particular new decoration that I absolutely love. Good thing it's not for sale!


Would this be a life-size version? It's amazing to see.


And lastly, this isn't a merchandise comment but just something we noticed. In what used to be the candy/fudge shop in Frontierland (first store on the right after you walk through the Frontierland gateway), we were browsing around at some of the leftover Christmas merchandise and some of the new Valentine's merchandise. In the cases that surround the cash register area, there are various merchandise items on display and generic Valentine cards added for decor. One particular card caught our attention.


This is wrong on so many levels.


Happy Valentine's Day to all vegetarians!



Entry added February 4, 2007: Here's a new antenna topper themed to St. Patrick's Day that was recently released.

The front and back of the new topper.


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